Making Pest Control Work Better

Keeping Carpenter Ants From Invading Your Indoor Living Space

If you have noticed carpenter ants frequenting the exterior of your home, there is likely a nest nearby where they congregate. Proactive steps are necessary to keep carpenter ants from getting inside your home. Here are some actions to control carpenter ants so they do not become an indoor problem.

Make Necessary Replacements To Your Home's Exterior

Carpenter ants nest behind siding panels where plenty of insulation keeps them warm. If your siding is not intact in all areas, you must make necessary repairs to keep ants from gaining entry into your home's interior. Check that all siding is free of cracks and crevices and that panels are snugly interlocked. If you find a spot where the siding is unfavorable, contact a local contractor to replace the boards. In addition, ensure there are no voids around your window panes. If you feel draftiness near a window, add a caulk layer or use weather stripping pieces to blockade possible entryways.

Remedy Any Moisture Troubles In And Around Your Home

Moisture is an attraction to carpenter ants. For this reason, any areas around your home where moisture tends to pool up or saturate the building materials your home is made from becomes a prime location for a carpenter ant problem. Tighten all outdoor faucets so water does not drip on your home's exterior. Avoid allowing sprinklers to be directed toward your house. Evaluate the condition of your gutter system and make repairs if it does not adequately hold water when precipitation is present. 

Clean Your Home At Regular Intervals

Like all pests, carpenter ants are drawn to areas where food is easily accessible. To avoid an ant infestation inside your home, ensure no food remnants are left out where ants can reach them. Keep on top of all cleaning actions like vacuuming floors and wiping down counters where food was prepared. Keeping a clean home also makes it easier to see ants when they get inside. 

Contact A Pest Control Service For Continuous Protection

If you are worried about a carpenter ant problem happening in the future, treating your home is an option to help keep pests away wholly. A pest control service uses the appropriate products to thwart infestations, providing your home with around-the-clock protection. Schedule an appointment with a local company like San Juan Pest Control to assess your home for signs of an existing problem and treat your property.
