Making Pest Control Work Better

What You Should Do If You Have A Chipmunk In Your House

Chipmunks are very curious creatures, and once they have found a home, they usually stay there. If they've taken up your home as their new den, it may be difficult to get rid of them completely. You can't simply trap them and release them back outside, you have to release the chipmunk far enough away that it cannot find its way back. Chipmunks, like most other rodents, can find their way back from miles away. If you have a problem with these pests, there are a few things you can do. Read on for some tips.

Seal Your Home Against These Pests

The chipmunks have been able to get in and out of your home somehow, and you need to find out how. Look around your home for cracks in your foundation, or holes beneath or in your siding. You may also have holes in the seals around your windows and doors or towards the roof of your home. Find the hole where they are coming inside and make the repairs needed to prevent them from returning. Chipmunks can chew through quite a bit, so you need to be sure you repair it and seal it thoroughly.

Find Their Nest

The chipmunks have a nest somewhere in your home that they have created to mimic a den. Look around to see if you can find the den and can get rid of these pests a little easier. You may find food scraps, seeds that have been brought in, or other signs of these pests in your home. Look closely in this area for the nest and remove it from your home carefully. Remove the food that the chipmunks have been eating from your home as well.

Set Traps

You need to set traps in your home near where you found the nest and where you have found the entrance of these pests. You can set live traps if you intend on letting these furry creatures go, but you have to let them go far away from your home to prevent them from returning. You can also set traps that will kill these pests as well. Both types can be found at most hardware stores.

If you have a problem with chipmunks, then you already know how much of a pain they can be. These pests are very curious and can do a lot of damage to your home, not to mention they can carry diseases as well as fleas and ticks. Hire a pest control company to help you get rid of these pests.
