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Why Snakes Are Living In Your Attic

Snakes can live in attics if the conditions are right. Climbing snakes like the yellow rat snake, the black rat snake, and the brown tree snake are excellent climbers. You can usually find these snakes in trees. But sometimes, climbing snakes may make their way into an attic.

But why would snakes choose to live in your attic? Snakes might have chosen your attic for a number of reasons.

Your attic is also home to rodents or birds

The most common reason that snakes invade attics is to go after a food source. And since both rodents and birds will nest in an attic if they can gain entry to one, these two animals are the likely food source.

Climbing snakes such as the black or yellow rat snake will happily live and breed inside an attic as long as a food source is nearby. You may need an exterminator to remove both the snakes and their food source.

Attics have stable temperatures

Because snakes are cold-blooded, they seek to shelter in areas that will allow them to stay warm. This is especially true during winter when the temperature drops. Snakes usually seek shelter in covered areas outside, such as in trees and burrows in the ground. But attics are warm and humid, which makes them attractive to climbing snakes during the winter.

Climbing snakes can enter through the roof area

Climbing snakes aren't very big. And because of that, they can easily make their way through the smallest of gaps or cracks to enter your home. These gaps might be the construction gap that is usually present just between the shingles and your gutters.

If there are other animals living in your attic, these animals may have damaged your roof to gain entry. And if a climbing snake catches the scent of a rat, that snake may then follow that rat using the same method of entry into your attic.

If you have found snakes living in your attic, don't panic. They are probably of the climbing variety of snake, which is not venomous. But try not to disturb them because they may flee even further into your home and be difficult to find. Instead, call a residential wildlife removal expert to remove the snakes from your home.

A wildlife removal professional can also identify the reasons why your home attracted snakes in the first place. They can then advise you on how to keep snakes out in the future.

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