Making Pest Control Work Better

Pests That May Bug Your Lawn

You might be well-versed when it comes to keeping as many pests as possible from coming into your home. Maybe you have sealed off all the tiny cracks and holes you can find around your home and gone out of your way to fix every little tear in the window screens. However, what about your lawn? If you truly want to enjoy your home, then you'll also want to be able to enjoy your yard. There are many types of pests that can be living in your lawn. This article will introduce you to some of the more common ones, and provide you with some good information on each of them.

Chinch bugs – These bugs are very common to lawns because they are pests that feed on the blades of grass. These pests will suck the sap right out of the blades and then they inject them with poison. For these reasons, these pests are a true danger to the health of your grass. If the right steps aren't taken to eradicate these bugs from your lawn, they can end up killing it. These pests have oval shaped bodies that tend to be darker along the top and bottom and have a lighter tan color near the middle of their bodies.

Fleas – You may think that your dogs and cats generally pick up fleas from other dogs and cats, then carry them on their coats and drop some in your home, where those fleas multiply. However, the truth is that your dog or cat can pick up fleas easily, even if they haven't been in contact with any other animals. The reason for this is due to the fact that a lawn can be home to many fleas. When your pet goes into the yard, the fleas in the grass can easily end up on your pet. Also, you can even track fleas into your home on your shoes or socks after you have walked through the lawn.

Armyworms and cutworms – Both of these pests are caterpillars and they both love to feed on the grass in your yard. In most cases, you shouldn't find that your lawn has too many of them. However, they can become an issue depending on where you live. If you live in a farming area, then you may have more of a problem with them.

Snails and slugs – Snails and slugs are attracted to cool and moist areas. While they will be more interested in eating your garden than your lawn, you still don't want to have them slowly traveling through your lawn. If you have a lot of them in your yard, then you can end up stepping on them, which is a very unpleasant experience. Also, they can cause damage to your garden when they eat the leaves and flowers of what you are growing.

Pest control can help

No matter what types of pests you are trying to keep out of your lawn, a lawn pest control company will be your best bet. They will know just what to do to get rid of those pests.
