Making Pest Control Work Better

2 Signs That Rodents Have Invaded Your House

If you have a cat or dog and you notice that they occasionally seem to fixate on one particular area, you may wonder what's going on. Yes, pets can occasionally be a little odd and do things like that, but 90% of the time, there is a reason behind it other than your pet just being a little wacky. So, what could be bothering your pet? One thing it could be is a rodent infestation. How can you tell that you might have an invasion of some kind of rodent?

Rub Marks

One sign that you might have a rat or mouse living in your house is that you can see rub marks on the places where they walk a lot. The rub marks are from the grease and oils that live on their skin and fur. As they use those trails more and more often, that stuff will wear off and leave a mark. The marks tend to be dark and shiny. They can run along pipes and behind cabinets or appliances. One very, very small silver lining is that you might be able to use those rub marks as a trail to point you where the rodents are currently living as well as where they are coming into your house. You can lay out traps along those rub marks to have a good chance of snagging the problem. 

Chewed-Up Nesting Material

Like every other living creature out there, rodents want to have somewhere soft, comfy, and cozy to live. They can't go out to the nearest store and buy things to make their dens and nests comfy, so they are going to tear up the things at your house in order to do that. They will chew up things like cardboard, insulation, materials, and any other random things they can find. Chewing them up will make the materials nice and soft and let the rodents arrange their nests the way that they want. If you are seeing signs of bits of material dragged around or piled up, or signs that things have been chewed on, odds are that you have some kind of rodent in your house. 

If you think that you do have a rat or mouse invasion, you should call a company like Fowler Pest Control. An exterminator can help you be certain that you have an infestation and help you get rid of the pests.
