Making Pest Control Work Better

Keeping Pests At Bay This Holiday Season

'Tis the season to welcome loads of friends and relatives over to celebrate with food, presents, and fun. The only issue is some of these friends may also bring over unwanted pests and critters that weren't welcome in the first place. Protect yourself, your pets, and your home this holiday. Having a reliable pest control professional on speed dial may be the biggest gift you can give yourself.

Pesky Bed Bugs

Just because the temps may be a little cooler doesn't mean it will hold back a bed bug from hitching a ride to your house. Bed bugs love to feed off of human blood and are most often found within a few feet from their host. If someone has a large infestation, bed bugs can crawl into purses or ride the pant legs of their hosts. They typically only come out in the wee hours of the morning, but a bug can make its presence at any time. From there, they can drop off anywhere and then leave their eggs behind. Before you know it, an infestation occurs. Signs of a bed bug infestation include:

  • Bite marks on your arms, legs or back that look and feel like mosquito bites
  • Spots of blood on your sheets
  • Small crawling bugs ranging in size from a sesame seed to an apple seed

Any concerns of a bed bug infestation needs to be handled by a pest control specialist.

Fire Breathing Fleas

Many people mistake a flea infestation to only occur during the summer months when in fact fleas can be present any time of the year. If you have a guest that brought their dog over and it had fleas, there's a chance your dog could get them too. From direct contact to dropping eggs on the floor or furniture, your entire home is at risk. If you find fleas, call a pest control specialist to help eradicate the jumping insects. From there, talk to your vet about the best way to treat the existing fleas and get on a flea preventive to prevent future attacks.

Cockroach Motel

Most people think of dirty homes and bags of trash as common ways to attract cockroaches. While this may be true in some cases, a bad infestation can easily invade your home if a guest brings food or presents over that happen to carry one of the pesky critters. Cockroaches multiply rapidly so if you suspect an infestation or only see a few, call pest control services and have the pros handle it.

No one wants an infestation at any time of the year. Be aware and prepared ahead of time by having a pest inspection to ensure your home is insect free both during and after the holidays. For more information, contact a company like Premier Termite & Pest Control today.
