Making Pest Control Work Better

Get Rid of Roaches in Your Drain: What You Can Do

If you've spotted roaches scattering in your house when you've turned on the lights or spotted them running into your sink and down the drain, you have a problem. You need to get rid of these roaches before they take over your entire home. Cockroaches can multiply quickly, and before you know it, you could have an infestation on your hands. Roaches that are in your drain may be tough to get rid of, though. Read on for instructions to get rid of them and tips to prevent them from returning.

Clean Your Drains

Cockroaches come into your home looking for both food and water. If your drains are clogged with food, it's the perfect place for cockroaches to inhabit since they're getting their food and water from the same place. Clean out your drains often to remove clogs. Use a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar to clear out clogs. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of baking soda into the drain, then pour 1/4 cup of white vinegar over it. Allow it to fizz, then rinse the drain with hot water.

If you have a garbage disposal, be sure you are running the disposal until the food is gone from the drain. You can also use the baking soda and vinegar in the disposal as well. Run the disposal with cold water to ensure the food particles don't simply melt and solidify down further in your drain pipe.

Fix Leaks

Repair any leaks in your drains that cockroaches may be attracted to. Leaks in your drains or beneath your sinks may attract other pests as well, so making this repair can prevent other infestations in addition. Tighten connections, caulk around the basin drain, and replace drain pipes that are disintegrating. 

Plug Drains at Night

Cockroaches are more active at night and can come out of your drains when you're sleeping. To prevent them from getting in or out of your drains, use the drain stop and plug your drains every night before you go to bed. Do this to all of the drains in your home. Also be sure to clean your counters before bed, and wipe down your sink and appliances to get rid of food particles and grease buildup that cockroaches may be attracted to.

Call a Professional

Call a pest control specialist to help get rid of your cockroach infestation. You can spray your home, but if the infestation is too bad, you may need professional help to get rid of these pests. Eventually you will end up with other pests other than roaches, as they can attract mice or even ants into your home as well.

If you have cockroaches in your home and in your drains, do what you can to get them out of your drain. If you can't get rid of them, call a pro. A pest control company, such as First Choice Termite and Pest Control, Inc., can help you get rid of the infestation and give you tips to prevent a future one.
